Q: Why don't we play in the summer?
A: CJB’s house league is in line with many (if not all) area youth baseball programs. House seasons are typically through early summer, at which point travel or all-star programs begin, league depending. A summer schedule would also interfere with many family vacations and other youth sports (like soccer, lacrosse, football, etc.).
Q: When are weather decisions made?
A: For the sake of our players' and families' schedules, we make every effort to play. We'll make every effort to give you as much notice of cancellations or schedule changes as possible. At times these could be (literally) game-time decisions. It can pour in Farmington and be clear in Canandaigua, and there are plenty of times when a forecast alone isn't reliable enough to make a decision.
The decision to cancel is made solely by the Board of Directors and communicated via league email and social media. Please do not contact coaches or individual board members until a decision has been made.
In case of inclement weather during the week, a decision will not be made prior to 4:00PM in most cases.
Q: Why can younger divisions play but older levels are cancelled/rescheduled?
A: T-Ball can play on virtually any field and is the easiest to move. Rookie can play on four fields. Minor and Major can only play on two fields, so field and resource availability are less flexible at the older levels.
Q: Will affected games be rescheduled?
A: Games may be rescheduled based on level of play, field/staff availability, player availability, and/or playoff implications (MINOR and MAJOR divisions). Level of play: CJB prioritizes schedules from oldest to youngest. Field/Staff availability: games will be rescheduled only if a suitable field is available with enough league staff to support the contest. Player availability: a game may not be rescheduled if too many players have pre-existing, outside commitments (i.e., school function, travel sport). Playoff implications: a game might be rescheduled if it has playoff implications in the MINOR or MAJOR division. There is no guarantee any game will be rescheduled.
CJB cannot guarantee a minimum number of games per season based on external factors like the weather or matters of public health.
Q: Why am I not receiving schedule updates?
A: Please ensure your email address is current on your player's account. Each account can include additional addresses to receive CJB-related information. If you are unable to log in, you may not be receiving emails! (Coaches and Parents: please help spread the word on this.)